This organization was established in 1980 by our founder, Chaplain (GEN). Peterson MacArthur after having
The National Commander and Chief Founder Rev. (GEN) Peterson MacArthur
This organization was established in 1980 by our founder, Chaplain (GEN). Peterson MacArthur after having served as operation Storm on Iraq and Disaster Response Chaplain under several other organizations over the last 28 years. His operational deployments include the Multi-National Force and Observers, or MFO, Sinai, Egypt; Operation JUST CAUSE, Panama; Operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY, Haiti; Operation JOINT ENDEAVOR, Bosnia-Herzegovina; Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, Iraq; and three tours during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan. Rev. (GEN) Peterson MacArthur’s education includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Harvard University , Master’s Degrees from Columbia University (International Relations an Theology ) and from the U.S. Army War College (National Security and Strategic Studies).

He is also a graduate of the MIT Seminar XXI National Security Studies Program. Rev. (GEN) Peterson MacArthur and his wife have been married for more than 33 years and have five children. The inspiration to launch this organization came from His disdain for lack of leadership and other issues he noticed while he served under many other people whom he believed were in this “profession” for the wrong reasons. It was with great prayer, several talks with his partners in the ministry, whom he went to for advice and a lot of research that led him to launch this organization. The primary mission which we have instilled and given to all members of the CEMA is to find and recruit laborers, men and women who know how to reap the spiritual harvest fields of the world for the Kingdom of God. It is to this purpose that CEMA is dedicated to recruit, train, motivate, and mobilize an international network of chaplains who are capable of serving anywhere in the United States.
The CEMA is a team of Real People That Are Called to an Extraordinary Worldwide Ministry of Presence And Ministry Training. Romans 12:1-4-8 Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. Finally, we are a one of a kind ministry of presence with members and affiliate ministries worldwide. We come from all faith groups, ethnic, gender and educational backgrounds, CEMA by God’s grace and guidance has been molded and shaped after the Ministry of Jesus, and we are growing by leaps and bounds every day. We are looking for real people who are serious about their calling. The members of CEMA are very real hard working people with the heart and compassion to reach out to the needy worldwide. We welcome and encourage each and every one of you who read this to consider joining the CEMA as we aim to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If you wish to receive further information or wish to speak to me directly, contact us by filling out a contact form or by e-mail at In His Service, Chaplain (GEN). Rev. Peterson MacArthur National Commander and Chief /Founder National Vice- Commander and Chief Dr. Rev Mario Cesar Santos Jr. Ph.D. CEMA